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Our Mission

Updated: Apr 22

Let me start by saying, I am incredibly grateful that you’re reading this - whether it is 10 of you, or 10 million. 

A while back, I told my wife Macayla that I wanted Every Little Thing Creative to have more of a mission behind it. I wasn’t sure what that mission was yet, but I immediately began searching and thinking. Through Every Little Thing Creative, My mission is to give back to my past and invest in youth outdoor activities, camps, and outdoor conservation by donating portions of my profits from this business to those causes.

This is the back story (Exact Percentages that I will be donating are at the end of the blog, and ways you can support)

A while back, I told my wife Macayla that I wanted Every Little Thing Creative to have more of a mission behind it. I wasn’t sure what that mission was yet, but I immediately began searching and thinking. This is that story (I'll keep it short I promise): 

I remember attaching myself to a camera for the first time when I was 16 but even have a vivid memory of receiving a camera when I was in elementary school as a gift. It was a cheap disposable camera that little kid Hunter was so excited about that I used up all the photos on it within an hour because all I wanted to do was take pictures. Little did I know, God already had a plan for a camera to be in my hands. 

Fast forward to 16-year-old me - a year that changed me forever. Until that summer, I had been questioning this whole God thing and almost convinced myself that it was not real. I’m grateful that in the coming summer, I would stay a week in Tennessee and experience Christ in Youth, a wonderful organization located in Joplin Missouri that invests its time and efforts into the Church and its youth. 

During that week's experience, I was reminded that God is real and was shown by God that evening through the beauty of his creation - watching the sunset over the hills in Tennessee. I decided to follow him and do ministry for the rest of my life. (I want to say thank you to Christ In Youth and Ozark Christian College, for investing in my strengths and weaknesses, making me a better person and who I am today). If you don’t know anything about God and are curious, shoot me an email through the website. Have a coffee with me. 

After that summer, I always felt passionate about cameras (bless everyone who had to put up with me pointing a camera in their face because all I wanted to do was post it to YouTube). I am grateful for all the friends and family that supported that. I now have access to 350+ videos to remember so many memories up until I was 20. Those years are full of many memories, but I never understood the purpose of them until now. They weren’t just memories, but training my passion for a camera, documenting adventures, and learning the importance of relationships with those around me. 

My college years are when I fell in love with the outdoors and landscapes. I only had gotten to see small parts of the eastern United States growing up and the mountains of Haiti. I was always fascinated by the photos and videos I had seen of mountains, lakes, and distant beaches. For fun as a kid, I would fly an airplane around on Google Earth to see Mt. Everest and other countries. At the same time that I fell in love with the outdoors, I fell in love with taking pictures. It used to be just video, but seeing a still image and capturing something in a split second fascinated me. 

I took the next two years to learn the basics, taking pictures of everything I could. In 2022, I came home to a surprise after working my day job - my wife had put together a fully branded photo and video business and we started serving our first clients that fall. Truthfully, I’m not sure I would’ve tried to start if it weren't for her. We got to a point where it was comfortable within our income for me to take on the challenge full-time in May of 2023. I am grateful for every client, friend, and family member who has supported me as I am now taking the next step into what I want ELT to be about. 

Thank you for taking the time to read the story. Now, here is my mission. Not only do I see God in creation, but I see humanity. Whether you share the same religious beliefs as me or not, my mission is to give back to what shaped me into who I am today, because I believe that nature is a place where we can all become better and stronger people despite what you believe in. 

My mission is to give back to my past and invest in youth outdoor activities, camps, and outdoor conservation by donating portions of my profits from this business to those causes. In the name of transparency, I will be giving 10% of all of my videography and photography services - from a 20-minute session to a full weekend wedding and more - to give away. 

I now also sell my landscape prints and canvases at the available link and will set aside 30% of those profits to give away, while the rest will fund future projects. You can purchase landscape prints at this link!

As far as donations, 100% of donations will be given away. I will always honor and respect generosity and am grateful to anyone who wants to donate to this mission. If you’d like to donate, please send me an email so we can have a conversation about the possibilities and benefits of this. 

Now, there are always more ways to support than just by giving financially. By following ELT on various social media and websites, that support goes a long way! Sharing our services with those in need of a camera is a free way to support us, as it not only brings financial support to my wife and me but towards this mission. 

Once again, I am grateful for you reading this, and you are welcome to message me with questions and comments as you wish. Every Little Thing Creative will remain the same but will hold a new mission behind every frame.

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